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This polymer clay tutorial gives detailed instructions on how to make a beautiful Southwestern style polymer clay bowl, including instructions to make six different canes: two border canes, a 'party' cane, a feather cane, a petal cane,  and a scupted sunburst cane. The diy class also includes instructions on a faux turquoise mix and how to build a foot on a bowl from polymer clay, plus how to lay out the canes in various orientations to create a design. The included canes and faux mixes are advanced beginner skill. The tutorial is broken down into 9 how-to chapters - a chapter for each cane, a chapter on the faux turquoise mixture, a chapter preparing the bowl and building the foot, and a final chapter on creating the design on the bowl. It includes a detailed overview of the basic supplies needed and a resource page with links to various sites for supplies or more information plus patterns. The tutorial is 97 pages long and has over 270 large, color pictures!

Cane Inlaid Copper Bowls Workbook

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  • All digital tutorials are non-refundable and not transferable.  Do not share this pdf or the associated link. If you wish to explore this tutorial as a group, please contact for a group discount or any other questions. 


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